Unconscious Bias
“Make employers come to terms with [and act on] their own bias in the workplace.”
— Jordan Doucette view full brief
Worldwide, countries suffer from a 15-18% pay gap, in some countries even more. This gap is most drastic at parenthood. Because of myths, biases, and outdated stereotypes, once women become mothers, they are less likely to be hired and are seen as less competent, leading to lower pay – known as the ‘Motherhood Penalty’.
In contrast, fathers are more likely to be hired, and are seen as more competent. We need to raise awareness of this issue, so that one’s personal life of becoming a mum doesn’t impede their progress.
There is no statistical proof that mums become less productive after giving birth. Instead, parenthood has been shown to promote interpersonal communication, flexibility, and being more assertive – beneficial workplace skills.

Master of Motherhood
Recognise Motherhood Skills with an Accreditation
Often, mothers find themselves with a gap in their resume for the time that they had to free for their child. However, the skills learnt during motherhood are extremely valuable life skills that are also relevant for work, yet employers never think about these. We want to change perceptions about the value of motherhood and give mums an opportunity to add those special skills to their portfolio of experience.

Officially certified
We recogniase the skills learnt during motherhood in form of an officially recognised and accredited certificate that is generated and supported by a university. The certificate can be obtained digitally or via mail when presenting a birth certificate.

Valuable Skills
We show what skills mums have learnt during motherhood that are beneficial for the workplace.

Integrated on LinkedIn
The degree can be integrated into any resume on LinkedIn. Rather than a gap in their resume, women have the opportunity to showcase their skills.