Plastic kills – Finalist



Plastic Tax
“Lobby governments around the world to create a 90%+ tax on all non-recycled plastic production.”
— Sergio Mugnaini view full brief


Until the 1960’s nobody knew the dangers that smoking had on your health. It then took almost 40 years for the governments to impose a mandatory “smoking kills” message on cigarette packets, accompanied by a grisly picture showing the fatal effects that smoking had on the human body.

Today we know the catastrophic effects that plastic is having to our environment, so let’s not wait 40 years to do something about it.

The ‘smoking kills’ campaign has been so successful because it was able to reach people on an emotional level.


Plastic kills

A plastic tax petition campaign

We want to do the same and reach our audience on an emotional level with a campaign that shows single use plastic products on the shelves of supermarkets with a “PLASTIC KILLS” message accompanied by an image of its effects to humans, animals and the environment.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Mandatory labelling

We will make it mandatory for non-recyclable
packaging to include a picture of the devastating
effects to the environment. Along with the image
we include further information and a link to the
website with a petition. We could also include a
QR code that leads to the website.
